Corporate & Community Institutions

Glowmundo collaborates with institutional & community leaders to develop the knowledge, skills, and mindsets that create safe, meaningful, and engaged practices that respect and honors the diverse views and experiences of all members. Each course is essential to achieving an integrated and transformative approach to performing, learning, and positively experiencing our personal and professional communities.

Please note: All workshops can be customized and delivered in person or online. Sessions are designed in a culturally responsive way and with a trauma-informed lens by the professionally certified faculty of Glowmundo.


Children and Youth-Serving Organizations & Institutions

  • To gain an overall understanding of the theory of resilience and workings of the brain, mind-body connection towards sustained performance, burnout prevention, and well-being.

    Participants learn the science of resilience, energy, and emotional regulation skills to be applied in their day-to-day lives. This process increases their self-awareness and ability to more intelligently self-regulate their energy, which directly affects performance and personal fulfillment.

    Through the session participants:

    Engage in mindful conversations that foster connection and community

    Explore setting boundaries for self-care

    Gain insight into the dynamics of stress and challenging emotions

    Learn short mindfulness practices for self-care and bring them to clients or teams

    Learn about vicarious trauma and techniques to manage its effect on the performance and overall mental health of the employee

  • To gain an understanding of how emotion regulation, trauma, and equity intercept and are key elements to incorporate and abide by in our work environment in order to create communities of belonging that heighten safety, mental health, performance, and job satisfaction.

  • Resilience and related practices that support the psychological safety and the social and emotional well-being of staff can become an ongoing part of any team’s culture and routines.

  • Learn techniques that teach physical and mental brain breaks and mindfulness practices in the workplace, that support mental alertness and clarity, energy sustainability, job satisfaction, and overall employee well-being.

  • This training is directed to leadership teams within organizations. It seeks to build the capacity of these teams to connect genuinely with their staff cultivating together a culture of belonging in their organization. Transformational leadership is based on the following principles of



    Cultural Responsiveness

    Reflective Change Strategies


    Embodied Active Learning.

  • Virtual check-in sessions with participants in our Transformational Leadership program.


For Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations

  • Tools and technology to give Healthcare Provider Leaders a program that transforms stress builds resilience capacity and brings the authenticity and importance of human caring to the foreground of our leadership practices. Each participant will learn and integrate tools to care for the unique stresses of leading organizations in today's high-speed world. The increased energy and refined access to intuition enable leaders to innovate and strategically align their organizations with more coherence, compassion, and wholeness care.

    Built on this foundation and guided by the processes of the Caring Science Theory by the Institute of Heart Math, participants will explore leadership through the lens of human caring and the impact this shift has on our leadership, outcomes, and service to our communities.

  • Creating an optimal healing environment from the inside out. The purpose of the Revitalizing Care program is to enable all caregivers to revitalize their own power to care for themselves, for each other, and for the patients, they serve through practical tools and technologies that can be applied both personally and clinically based on Resilience Theory.

    Many of us in health care understand that the capacity to care for ourselves and for our patients in meaningful ways is not based solely on clinical knowledge, technical skills, or experience. It is especially dependent on our ability to achieve personal balance and coherence in our own lives and to give that sense of balance and compassion to patients and to all for whom we care. The difficulty of managing the stress of working in healthcare, let alone the stresses in our personal lives, is perhaps the greatest barrier preventing caregivers from experiencing a continuity of genuine care in their healing environment.

  • Virtual check-ins for participants in our Revitalizing Care for Health Care Professionals.

    These short sessions provide supportive check-in and follow-up practice to participants. They will help with the embodiment of the practices and creating healthy habits.